unit Functs; interface uses WinTypes, Classes, Graphics, SysUtils; type TPoint2D = recordX, Y: Real;end;TPoint3D = recordX, Y, Z: Real;end; function Point2D(X, Y: Real): TPoint2D; function RoundPoint(P: TPoint2D): TPoint; function FloatPoint(P: TPoint): TPoint2D; function Point3D(X, Y, Z: Real): TPoint3D; function Angle2D(P: TPoint2D): Real; function Dist2D(P: TPoint2D): Real; function Dist3D(P: TPoint3D): Real; function RelAngle2D(PA, PB: TPoint2D): Real; function RelDist2D(PA, PB: TPoint2D): Real; function RelDist3D(PA, PB: TPoint3D): Real; procedure Rotate2D(var P: TPoint2D; Angle2D: Real); procedure RelRotate2D(var P: TPoint2D; PCentr: TPoint2D; Angle2D: Real); procedure Move2D(var P: TPoint2D; Angle2D, Distance: Real); function Between(PA, PB: TPoint2D; Preference: Real): TPoint2D; function DistLine(A, B, C: Real; P: TPoint2D): Real; function Dist2P(P, P1, P2: TPoint2D): Real; function DistD1P(DX, DY: Real; P1, P: TPoint2D): Real; function NearLine2P(P, P1, P2: TPoint2D; D: Real): Boolean; function AddPoints(P1, P2: TPoint2D): TPoint2D; function SubPoints(P1, P2: TPoint2D): TPoint2D; function Invert(Col: TColor): TColor; function Dark(Col: TColor; Percentage: Byte): TColor; function Light(Col: TColor; Percentage: Byte): TColor; function Mix(Col1, Col2: TColor; Percentage: Byte): TColor; function MMix(Cols: array of TColor): TColor; function Log(Base, Value: Real): Real; function Modulator(Val, Max: Real): Real; function M(I, J: Integer): Integer; function Tan(Angle2D: Real): Real; procedure Limit(var Value: Integer; Min, Max: Integer); function Exp2(Exponent: Byte): Word; function GetSysDir: String; function GetWinDir: String; implementation function Point2D(X, Y: Real): TPoint2D; begin Point2D.X := X;Point2D.Y := Y;end; function RoundPoint(P: TPoint2D): TPoint; begin RoundPoint.X := Round(P.X);RoundPoint.Y := Round(P.Y);end; function FloatPoint(P: TPoint): TPoint2D; begin FloatPoint.X := P.X;FloatPoint.Y := P.Y;end; function Point3D(X, Y, Z: Real): TPoint3D; begin Point3D.X := X;Point3D.Y := Y;Point3D.Z := Z;end; function Angle2D(P: TPoint2D): Real; begin if P.X = 0 thenbeginif P.Y > 0 then Result := Pi / 2;if P.Y = 0 then Result := 0;if P.Y < 0 then Result := Pi / -2;endelseResult := Arctan(P.Y / P.X); if P.X < 0 thenbeginif P.Y < 0 then Result := Result + Pi;if P.Y >= 0 then Result := Result - Pi;end; If Result < 0 then Result := Result + 2 * Pi;end; function Dist2D(P: TPoint2D): Real; begin Result := Sqrt(P.X * P.X + P.Y * P.Y);end; function Dist3D(P: TPoint3D): Real; begin Dist3d := Sqrt(P.X * P.X + P.Y * P.Y + P.Z * P.Z);end; function RelAngle2D(PA, PB: TPoint2D): Real; begin RelAngle2D := Angle2D(Point2D(PB.X - PA.X, PB.Y - PA.Y));end; function RelDist2D(PA, PB: TPoint2D): Real; begin Result := Dist2D(Point2D(PB.X - PA.X, PB.Y - PA.Y));end; function RelDist3D(PA, PB: TPoint3D): Real; begin RelDist3D := Dist3D(Point3D(PB.X - PA.X, PB.Y - PA.Y, PB.Z - PA.Z));end; procedure Rotate2D(var P: TPoint2D; Angle2D: Real); var Temp: TPoint2D;begin Temp.X := P.X * Cos(Angle2D) - P.Y * Sin(Angle2D);Temp.Y := P.X * Sin(Angle2D) + P.Y * Cos(Angle2D);P := Temp;end; procedure RelRotate2D(var P: TPoint2D; PCentr: TPoint2D; Angle2D: Real); var Temp: TPoint2D;begin Temp := SubPoints(P, PCentr);Rotate2D(Temp, Angle2D);P := AddPoints(Temp, PCentr);end; procedure Move2D(var P: TPoint2D; Angle2D, Distance: Real); var Temp: TPoint2D;begin Temp.X := P.X + (Cos(Angle2D) * Distance);Temp.Y := P.Y + (Sin(Angle2D) * Distance);P := Temp;end; function Between(PA, PB: TPoint2D; Preference: Real): TPoint2D; begin Between.X := PA.X * Preference + PB.X * (1 - Preference);Between.Y := PA.Y * Preference + PB.Y * (1 - Preference);end; function DistLine(A, B, C: Real; P: TPoint2D): Real; begin Result := (A * P.X + B * P.Y + C) / Sqrt(Sqr(A) + Sqr(B));end; function Dist2P(P, P1, P2: TPoint2D): Real; begin Result := DistLine(P1.Y - P2.Y, P2.X - P1.X, -P1.Y * P2.X + P1.X * P2.Y, P);end; function DistD1P(DX, DY: Real; P1, P: TPoint2D): Real; begin Result := DistLine(DY, -DX, -DY * P1.X + DX * P1.Y, P);end; function NearLine2P(P, P1, P2: TPoint2D; D: Real): Boolean; begin Result := False;if DistD1P(-(P2.Y - P1.Y), P2.X - P1.X, P1, P) * DistD1P(-(P2.Y - P1.Y), P2.X - P1.X, P2, P) <= 0 thenif Abs(Dist2P(P, P1, P2)) < D then Result := True;end; function AddPoints(P1, P2: TPoint2D): TPoint2D; begin AddPoints := Point2D(P1.X + P2.X, P1.Y + P2.Y);end; function SubPoints(P1, P2: TPoint2D): TPoint2D; begin SubPoints := Point2D(P1.X - P2.X, P1.Y - P2.Y);end; function Invert(Col: TColor): TColor; begin Invert := not Col;end; function Dark(Col: TColor; Percentage: Byte): TColor; var R, G, B: Byte;begin R := GetRValue(Col); G := GetGValue(Col); B := GetBValue(Col);R := Round(R * Percentage / 100);G := Round(G * Percentage / 100);B := Round(B * Percentage / 100);Dark := RGB(R, G, B);end; function Light(Col: TColor; Percentage: Byte): TColor; var R, G, B: Byte;begin R := GetRValue(Col); G := GetGValue(Col); B := GetBValue(Col);R := Round(R * Percentage / 100) + Round(255 - Percentage / 100 * 255);G := Round(G * Percentage / 100) + Round(255 - Percentage / 100 * 255);B := Round(B * Percentage / 100) + Round(255 - Percentage / 100 * 255);Light := RGB(R, G, B);end; function Mix(Col1, Col2: TColor; Percentage: Byte): TColor; var R, G, B: Byte;begin R := Round((GetRValue(Col1) * Percentage / 100) + (GetRValue(Col2) * (100 - Percentage) / 100));G := Round((GetGValue(Col1) * Percentage / 100) + (GetGValue(Col2) * (100 - Percentage) / 100));B := Round((GetBValue(Col1) * Percentage / 100) + (GetBValue(Col2) * (100 - Percentage) / 100));Mix := RGB(R, G, B);end; function MMix(Cols: array of TColor): TColor; var I, R, G, B, Length: Integer;begin Length := High(Cols) - Low(Cols) + 1;R := 0; G := 0; B := 0;for I := Low(Cols) to High(Cols) dobeginR := R + GetRValue(Cols[I]);G := G + GetGValue(Cols[I]);B := B + GetBValue(Cols[I]);end;R := R div Length;G := G div Length;B := B div Length;MMix := RGB(R, G, B);end; function Log(Base, Value: Real): Real; begin Log := Ln(Value) / Ln(Base);end; function Power(Base, Exponent: Real): Real; begin Power := Ln(Base) * Exp(Exponent);end; function Modulator(Val, Max: Real): Real; begin Modulator := (Val / Max - Round(Val / Max)) * Max;end; function M(I, J: Integer): Integer; begin M := ((I mod J) + J) mod J;end; function Tan(Angle2D: Real): Real; begin Tan := Sin(Angle2D) / Cos(Angle2D);end; procedure Limit(var Value: Integer; Min, Max: Integer); begin if Value < Min then Value := Min;if Value > Max then Value := Max;end; function Exp2(Exponent: Byte): Word; var Temp, I: Word;begin Temp := 1;for I := 1 to Exponent doTemp := Temp * 2;Result := Temp;end; function GetSysDir: String; var Temp: array[0..255] of Char;begin GetSystemDirectory(Temp, 256);Result := StrPas(Temp);end; function GetWinDir: String; var Temp: array[0..255] of Char;begin GetWindowsDirectory(Temp, 256);Result := StrPas(Temp);end; end. |