Как мне сохранить целый Stringgrid со всеми ячейками в файле?
SaveGrid; var f:textfile; x,y:integer; begin assignfile (f,'Filename'); rewrite (f); writeln (f,stringgrid.colcount); writeln (f,stringgrid.rowcount); For X:=0 to stringgrid.colcount-1 do For y:=0 to stringgrid.rowcount-1 dowriteln (F, stringgrid.cells[x,y]); closefile (f); end;
Procedure LoadGrid; var f:textfile; temp,x,y:integer; tempstr:string; begin assignfile (f,'Filename'); reset (f); readln (f,temp); stringgrid.colcount:=temp; readln (f,temp); stringgrid.rowcount:=temp; For X:=0 to stringgrid.colcount-1 do For y:=0 to stringgrid.rowcount-1 do beginreadln (F, tempstr);stringgrid.cells[x,y]:=tempstr;end;closefile (f); end;